Why Growing Dental Companies Are Switching To Accrual Accounting

A 5-Part Audio Resource

Why Growing Dental Companies Are Switching To Accrual Accounting

In this audio resource learn why and how making the switch from cash-based to accrual accounting is key for dental company growth. Whether you want to grow in revenue, locations, or both, accrual-based accounting can set you up to grow successfully and sustainably. Discover the benefits and everything you need to know to make the switch.

This audio resource features top dental CFOs and is hosted by Ken Kaufman. Ken is CFO of Community Dental Partners (CDP) with 90+ locations. He has been in dental finance for over 16 years. In part because of his leadership, CDP has tripled in size since he joined its team in 2016. “When Ken talks about DSO finance, you listen.” He is a sought-after expert, speaker, and regularly hosts episodes on financial-related topics for the DSO Secrets podcast.

Download Each Part Below

Part 1: Accrual Accounting - The Why and the When

Part 1 gives you overview of what you need to know to make the switch from cash-based to accrual accounting and details why you should. Top CFOs share what led them to switch to accrual inside their DSOs, including what it was like, what processes/procedures had to be changed, the mindset shift required plus much more.

Part 2: Accrual Accounting - How Accrual Accounting Impacts the P&L

This part unpacks how accrual accounting impacts your dental organization's P&L - the pros and cons, how it can help you identify potential financial issues, take advantage of opportunities, and much more.

Part 3: Accrual Accounting - The Almighty Balance Sheet

This part takes a deep dive into the balance sheet. You’ll learn why it's so critical to accurate accrual-basis accounting, and how using it can help you plan out goals to take your dental company's growth to the next level.

Part 4: Accrual Accounting - The Matching Principle and Expense Recognition

This part overviews the expense side of accrual-basis accounting. The concept of the matching principle is discussed including how that applies to expense recognition on an income statement, how accrual accounting can provide clarity, and much more. 

Part 5: Accrual Accounting - Change Management and How To Make the Switch

Get a “behind the curtains” view into the change management necessary to make the switch to accrual accounting: getting doctors, practice managers, regional managers, and C-Suite leaders to understand accrual accounting and why it’s worthwhile to implement. In this part, you’ll learn the most common questions you should be prepared to answer, about how to get buy-in from your team, how to run the change management, and more.

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