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Note: This training is 60 minutes with no fluff. Your practice(s) will thank you for carving out some time to implement the principles.
Jake works exclusively with emerging market group dental practices by building a community of like-minded group practice owners.
On-demand for 3 days when you sign up
The counter-intuitive strategy for growth and how most of the industry has it wrong so far
Why the key to your growth is getting out of the chair
How to adopt a "Systems" mindset and why "SPF's" are crucial to growth
Note: This training is 60 minutes with no fluff. Your practice(s) will thank you for carving out some time to implement the principles.
Here's what other dentists are saying about what they learn from the DEO
"The DEO program provides the skills and the tools that we need to get them achieve that Vision, to develop the people to become who they can be. So that we can achieve our our our goals strategically, tactically you know, kind of the whole package."
—Kent Underwood
Trio Orthodontics, in Powell, OH
"The DEO is amazing! It helps me to ground my vision and future...I had the tactics and knew what I had to do on day-to-day basis, but I didn't know why."
—David Janash
Park South Dentistry, in New York, NY
"The DEO was a huge tipping point for me...I have grown as a leader and a manager. I am a different person than when I first started and I love it."
—Brent Rising, Today's Dental in Omaha, NE
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