DEO Crash Course: The 3 Business Models for Dental Company Expansion

Featuring Ken Kaufman

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DEO CRASH COURSE - Companion Guide

Set Up 3 Business Models for Dental Company Growth

[Quick Guide] The 6 Dental Associate Pay Models

An outline of different associate pay models so you can pick the right one for your situation.

Why Dental Companies Are Switching To Accrual Accounting

Use Accrual Accounting to Grow your Dental Company 


Part 1: The Overview and the Practice Business Model

Meet Ken Kaufman. He has been in dental finance for over 16 years. In his previous position as CFO of Community Dental Partners, he helped lead their growth to triple in size. “When Ken talks about DSO finance, you listen.” He is a sought-after expert and speaker. Ken regularly hosts financial topic episodes for the DSO Secrets podcast.

In this part, get to know Ken as he overviews the business models and dives into the Practice Level Model with insight into its income statement.


Part 2: Support Level Model - Creating More Profit Through Support

In this part, Ken details and reviews exactly what a Support Level Model is: providing support services to a group of practices with the intended outcome of more profit.

He discusses what the support team functions are and are not. Ken reviews how the income statement can be used to optimize and track expenses to maintain support, and more.


Practice 3: Growth Level Model - Driving Integrated Growth

In this part, Ken discusses the Growth Level Model, detailing the work and effort needed to drive integrated growth - whether through acquisitions or de Novos.

Using the income statement he discusses integrations, improvements, margins, investing for growth, operating income, and more.


Part 4: Shifting Mindsets from Practice to Support to Growth

In this part, Ken overviews the mindset for each model. He discusses the mindset shift necessary to transition from one model to the next, including what that means for you, your leadership team, and your dental company’s growth trajectory.


Part 5: 3 Business Models - Key Takeaways Plus Q & A

In this part, Ken highlights key takeaways from course attendees' and answers their questions. Dental entrepreneurs share their perspectives on how they will use these dental company models and get Ken’s insight for setting them up.

Last Step - Schedule Your Free 1 on 1 Call

Just one more step!

Schedule your call with The DEO Growth Team, and gain insight into how to get out of the chair, hire associates, finance growth and more to fulfill the vision you have for your dental company. Schedule now.

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