2024 Webinar Series
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Clinical Efficiency Consultant / Educator
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High-efficiency dental practices have systems in place to eliminate confusion, reduce wasted time, and increase their bottom line. However, in today’s industry dynamics, practices are struggling to identify the areas in which improvement is needed because they are overburdened by the day-to-day operations of a dental practice.
Intervention for Excellence
What types of intervention can occur in a practice journey to achieve clinical excellence
Lean Workflow Mastery
Develop an understanding of how a lean clinical workflow operates and its practical applications
Key Principles for Efficiency
Take away key principles to create a high-efficiency practice.
Kate Reinert is a Clinical Efficiency Consultant & Educator at Zirc Dental Products Inc, leveraging 18 years of hands-on experience as a dental assistant. Over the course of her career, Kate has gained valuable insights into the intricacies of patient care and the dental practice environment. Her passion for elevating patient care and achieving clinical excellence is her driving force and infectious enthusiasm.