On November 2nd, 3rd and 4th at the J.W. Marriott Downtown Houston, we will be holding our Associate Summit. A two and half-day conference on the various aspects of recruiting and retaining associates.
We produce and deliver this Summit because we fully understand that associates and associateships are very difficult and exceedingly challenging. We will have speakers and panelists with deep expertise and experience in the area of associateships, and attendees will get direct knowledge and wisdom of this difficult and many times uncertain domain of associates and associateships.
Like it or not, your company’s future performance, your company’s negotiable value and operational value are becoming more and more determined by millennials.
The deeper understanding you have of millennials, the better your leadership, management, and structures for working with them. The more you understand them, the better your communication and relationships with them. The better your communication and relationships are with millennials, greater is the level of commitment and responsibilities they will develop.
Whether you are attending the Associate Summit or not, I strongly recommend you watch this video. It will open your eyes to what are the things you need to do now and in the future to have millennials in your organization be successful.
I know you didn’t ask for the situation with millennials, but you have to deal with them as you move into your future. This a fact. There is no way around it.
If you are attending the Associate Summit, this video is a tremendous preparation for the engagement. I strongly recommend you watch it before you come to the conference, so you can begin to gain insight on what you need to do next with you millennial associates.