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The Dental CEO P&L Calculator: Master Finances & Optimize Your Dental Group’s Bottom Line

By September 1, 2023September 11th, 2023DEO, Finance/Legal, Resources and Tools

Being a dental entrepreneur or leader requires being nimble and proactive rather than reactive! This powerful quote sums up how to handle change, pivot, to refocus.

“Adaptability is about the powerful difference between adapting to cope and adapting to win.” – Dr. Max McKeown, psychologist and bestselling author of The Strategy Book

Easier said than done, especially with the ambiguity that comes with forecasting your dental company’s financials – whether a solo dental practice, emerging dental group, or mature DSO.

To get a clear picture of where your dental company is headed financially you need to trust your financial modeling resource. To help, DEO created the Dental CEO Profit & Loss (P&L) Calculator to forecast and optimize your dental group’s bottom line so you can make informed decisions, optimize operations, and strategically plan what you need to do next to grow.

Understanding Your Dental Company’s Financial Snapshot

The Dental CEO P&L Calculator was developed by DEO’s dental company success experts from experiences working with 100s of successful dental organizations, to visualize dental company profitability and with a clear snapshot of its financial health. With the ability to project revenue, expenses, staff pay, taxes, and more, this tool can help you discover areas for improvement that might otherwise remain hidden.

For instance, perhaps you’ve just learned about a new patient communication software that’s receiving rave reviews for increasing patient flow and retention. By plugging in the numbers – the cost of this technology, as well as the forecasted revenue – into the P&L Calculator, you can estimate the potential impact on your revenue streams, helping you decide whether the investment is viable for your practice’s financial health.

Breaking Down the Income Statement: Revenue Streams and Sources

With Dental CEO P&L Calculator’s break down of the income statement, you’ll gain a comprehensive overview of your revenue streams and sources, enabling you to identify areas that are performing well and those that might need attention. For example, if you’re considering offering additional specialized services like orthodontics, pediatrics, periodontics, etc., to increase revenue, you can use the Profit & Loss Calculator to estimate the potential increase, factoring in the associated expenses.

Managing Operational Efficiency: Controlling Operating Expenses

Operational efficiency is a cornerstone of any successful dental practice, group, or DSO. The Dental CEO P&L Calculator can help you manage operating expenses. You can analyze expense categories, from staff pay and supplies to marketing and compliance costs, and identify where you might save more. Perhaps you’ll discover you need to review vendor contracts to see if you can get your supply costs down.

Uncovering opportunities like this and where you reduce certain non-essential expenses can significantly impact your net income and enhance your overall profitability.

Interpreting Financial Performance: Evaluating the Health of Your Dental Company

It’s vital to compare gross profit, net income, and other key financial metrics to evaluate your company’s financial health both now and in the future. The Dental CEO Profit & Loss Calculator can help you gain insights into your practice’s strengths and areas that need improvement and identify trends, all to be able to make better data-driven decisions to ultimately boost your future profit.

Using the Dental CEO P&L Calculator Template

The Dental CEO P&L Calculator is not just a spreadsheet, it is a customizable itemized P&L template that allows you to project revenue, profit, taxes, and expenses accurately. You can add, delete, and adjust line items to tailor the template to your specific needs, generating projections that align with the unique characteristics of your business whether a solo dental practice, dental group, or DSO.

This resource includes:

  • Robust sample income statement
  • Step-by-step instructions to use the P&L Calculator
  • Customizable itemized P&L spreadsheet template
  • Line items to tailor your financials (revenue, profit, taxes, expense, etc.)
  • Ability to add, delete, & adjust P&L line items: unlock personalized financial insights

Being prepared and thinking ahead for contingencies is key to any successful business. DEO’s Dental CEO P&L Calculator is just one tool you can use to model future scenarios and be ready to adapt inevitable change to your favor.


Get started and take a concrete step toward financial clarity: get your complimentary resource here.

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