At The DEO we’ve learned some important lessons helping 1,000s of dentist-entrepreneurs and executives grow their dental organizations, namely:
– You don’t have to do it alone.
– You don’t have to reinvent the wheel.
– You can learn from those who have paved the way… “been there, done that” and scale successfully!
We plan our events with these in mind! So at The 2021 DEO Fall Summit, I’m pumped that we’ll be sharing the 3 steps to grow your top-line revenue and how to master them.
Watch the video to learn what they are…. and why YOU HAVE TO BE AT SUMMIT…
At The Summit, you’ll learn strategies, recipes from some of the most successful DSOs today… for BIG GROWTH… how to double… triple, and beyond.
Don’t miss it!
Can’t wait to learn with you together in November!
Jake Puhl
Dentist Entrepreneur Organization
CEO / Partner